You can read about me here, or watch the youtube video of me below. You won’t get an idea of Arequipa at all but you might get an idea if we’ll get along.

Granted the heat caused me to play a parrot but hey it’s all unscripted 😉

Now to see if anyone else on my journey will have the patience to hold the camera while I ramble…

Anyway, did you come to this page for my Bucket List?


This list is not exhaustive and is bound to grow both side and length-wise. And is as much a reminder for myself as an invitation to you to comment and give me more ideas or tips on how to achieve some of the trickier items or we could even plan to venture out together!

The bucket list

North America
Central America
South America

About The Author

I love people. I love to travel. I love new experiences. And I love to capture those on camera. If you asked me where I'm from I would tell you I was born in a country that no longer exists and lived in another as a migrant most of my life. My home is not limited by walls or borders. They mean little to me. The people, experiences and the images captured do! If we meet on this planet, I would love to have a drink, a swim or just a chat about almost anything with you! And heck, maybe take your photo and blog about our adventure?