Why I love travel in Peru

I won't say it's my dream place to live in (there is a huge gap between the haves and have-nots and I'd spend my whole time fighting for rights of others), however for travel through Latin America I'd say it's...

The day-tripper list

When heading out for a day of sightseeing or exploring, I have my staples. Something to record what I experience (camera, pen and paper, audio recorder - pick one), some snacks, a mandatory drink in a...

Machu Picchu (part 1): the back route

Peru has so much unexplored territory, why would you take the well beaten track? And yes, you should take your heels ;) Many time-strangled travelers opt for the PeruRail train ride from Cusco to Machu Picchu...

Meet Me and my Bucket List!

You can read about me here, or watch the youtube video of me below. You won't get an idea of Arequipa at all but you might get an idea if we'll get along. Granted the heat caused me to play a parrot but hey...